Viral: The pain of the Cuban when visiting beautiful places without their family

"My heart is breaking," says the viral post that has brought to light feelings and testimonies from so many Cubans around the world separated from their loved ones.

Cubano conmueve la red con desgarradoras palabras © TikTok / @yasmonterd
Cuban moves the internet with heartbreaking words.Photo © TikTok / @yasmonterd

TikTok user Yasmy Montes has excited thousands of users on the platform with a brief but powerful 14-second video.

In it, @yasmonterd shows an impressive view of Miami from above accompanied by the phrase: "Only a Cuban knows the pain of visiting a beautiful place and saying: 'I wish my parents and my siblings were here to see this!'"

The publication has resonated deeply within the Cuban community and has generated an avalanche of messages that reflect nostalgia and emotion.

"At mealtime, at bedtime, at all times and every second of every day"; "Thank God my wife and I were able to bring my sister, my brothers-in-law, but we still have our parents and our children left, and it is the greatest pain one feels, that longing, there is no medicine that alleviates that pain but day by day, with God's blessings, one day we will heal it, we and all the Cubans who suffer from it"; "And to see how in these countries there is food waste while Cuba lacks it"; "To see this and break down in tears is the same," some said.

"You made me cry just by reading"; "When I'm somewhere, I call them and I show them and I say we will come here soon because I know that God will allow me to have them here with me"; "That's true, we think about family all the time"; "Cubans always thinking about those we left behind"; "You are absolutely right, but we have to fight to bring them here and they can see the wonders of this country"; "Sometimes we don't even eat something thinking about our loved ones who don't have it"; "It hurts a lot," others added.

"Similarly, we are always thinking about our children"; "It's true, but even when I go to have breakfast, and not only for mine but for all Cubans, may God bless us always"; "It hurts a lot"; "That's why I brought them with me, now I am calm and happy"; "This is how it is with the landscapes, the food, the stores, the products, the transportation... in short, what we live is a half-hearted happiness," is read among the hundreds of comments on the post that has already surpassed six thousand likes on the platform.

The emotional and even heartbreaking reactions to this user's short video on TikTok are the best evidence of the feelings of emptiness, deep nostalgia, and pain that so many Cubans around the world carry, along with the heavy burden of enjoying the fruits of their labor for a better future, not forgetting that their loved ones on the island are not only far away but, for the most part, facing shortages and suffering.

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