Report of serious police abuse in Cuba: "How long will the mistreatment by those who are supposed to protect us continue?"

The police abuse occurred this Tuesday and ended with two people in prison, one of whom was beaten.


A Cuban woman reported a case of police abuse against herself, her husband, and her mother that occurred on July 29 in Havana. The case is ongoing as both the complainant's husband and mother remain detained.

"I write this statement with the intention of letting the authorities of this country know whose hands they are leaving their Cuban people in, Cubans who are being physically and mentally mistreated by the police themselves, who are working in their own way and convenience, where the laws are not being just, nor fulfilled by them," wrote Yenisey Borrero Cuéllar in the first of three posts in recent hours in the Facebook group Denouncing Crimes in Cuba.

Borrero Cuéllar, who is a few weeks pregnant, explained that this Tuesday she was on a bicycle with her husband to undergo a dilation and curettage at Maternidad de Línea in Havana when her husband committed a traffic violation.

He recounts that patrol 410, which belongs to the station at Zapata and C, stopped them and asked for documents for the bike, documents they did not have.

"I am sure that it is not stolen or anything, since those motorcycles have a serial number that can be tracked, but the officer seemed to be looking for money and asked the other one, 'What do we do?'" explains the complainant, who assures that since she and her husband did not show any signs of trying to bribe the police officers, they decided to take her husband to the station.

"My husband explained the situation to them and that today was the last day for me to undergo the procedure, asking them to have compassion, that we were not in a position to have another child, that we were going to lose our appointment, but the officer didn't want to listen. He put him in the patrol car as if he were a criminal," the woman details.

According to the testimony of the complainants, a police officer pushed her husband into the vehicle and grabbed him by the neck, which caused the man to get agitated and kick while inside the patrol car. A little while later, her mother-in-law called her and said that her son was swollen and had stitches on his head.

The young woman then went to the unit with her mother and requested to speak with a superior.

"I started talking to that officer whose name is Raúl and I explained to him how my husband was going to be beaten, and he just told me that he got agitated and that they had to hit him. My mom asked him how that was possible, and he just told her to step away from the front of the unit, that he was not talking to her," says Yenisey, who claims that her mother ended up being pushed almost down the stairs.

The woman claims that when she tried to defend her mother, she herself received a slap in the face and one to her belly, despite being pregnant.

"I asked to file a complaint and only the officer came in, and my mom was taken to the cell. We were just trying to find answers because no one should be beaten like that..." she pointed out.

"Until when will the mistreatment by those who are supposed to defend us continue? Until when will they prohibit us from speaking and demanding our rights?" questioned the woman, who referred to the number of people imprisoned in Cuba just for expressing their thoughts.

“They are leaving us in the hands of cruel, ruthless, and inhuman police. Until when Cuba?" she questioned.

Yenisey Borrero Cuéllar says that she requests the full weight of the law against the officer "Raúl," from the Zapata and C unit, with identification number 400948, whom she defined as a woman abuser and a clear example of what abuse of power is in Cuba.

"I'm pregnant. It's a disrespect that such people are in charge of enforcing the law and justice. This won't end like this. They didn't take my complaint at Zapata and C, and he was able to accuse my mom of assault, who is currently detained in the Picota unit in Old Havana," the woman reported.

"I am going to report you, corrupt. How can my mother be in jail if it was you who attacked her life by ruthlessly throwing her down a staircase? I ask for justice for myself, for my mother, and for my husband, who can barely open his eyes from all the blows he received from the officer of patrol 410. Justice," concluded the complainant.

What do you think?


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