From Cuba to Miami: Young person makes their way with a seafood and fish selling business.

"The delivery is free throughout Miami-Dade and Broward," said the young man who asked for support from the Cuban community to succeed in the U.S. and provide a better life for his family.

A young Cuban started a seafood and fish sales business in Miami, seeking help to get ahead and secure a better future for his young family, including his little daughter.

The TikToker Dairon Cano, known for helping Cubans settle in that city, posted a video highlighting the entrepreneurship of a young man dedicated to selling fish and seafood.

“At first it's difficult, I hope that with time and everyone's support, little by little we can move forward,” the young man pointed out.

The Cuban showcased some of his products, including different sizes of lobster tails, crab meat, whole crabs, shrimp, various types of fish, among others.

“Delivery is free throughout Miami-Dade and Broward,” said the young man.

"Let's help that Cuban, my people," the tiktoker finally requested.

Cano recently shared a video on social media in which he narrated the story of a Cuban doctor searching for a job opportunity in the healthcare sector in the U.S. He reported that the physician is finally achieving his dream.

Another Cuban, but this time in the fashion world, is making his way from Mexico. The entrepreneur shared on social media the "secret" to succeeding with his own clothing brand Habana Rytt Dustin.

Rytt Dustin (@rytt_dustin) expressed on TikTok that the intention was to create a new clothing brand "that had the essence of Cuba, but updated."

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