"There is no humility here": Cuban in the U.S. sparks debate on TikTok

"Here, people only know how to think about money and look at social media to see who they can criticize."

A Cuban woman who calls herself 'the grandmother' has stirred up a buzz on TikTok after sharing a video expressing her discontent with the attitude of many people in the United States.

The 61-year-old woman, who arrived in the country with parole, lamented in her words that she is having a different experience than she expected.

"I have started to think that in this country, people are more envious, more shameless, and more disrespectful than in Cuba," began @normahenriquez67 without too many preambles.

"Neither the neighbor nor anyone else. I came to this country thinking one thing and I have realized it is something else. There is no humility here, there is nothing. And although this country has everything, in Cuba there is nothing and there is humility, and there is everything. (...) Here people only know how to think about money and look on social media to see whom they can criticize," he elaborated in his words, in which he also shared his experience in the jobs he has done, many of which he has shown on the same network.

"In the jobs, they are really terrible, they crush the last one to enter, and I say this from experience, as I have been crushed here in the jobs I have performed," she added in the video, where she confessed that she was upset because she didn't imagine "that in this free country there are so many envious and disrespectful people; that is the impression I have here in this country, and so predatory."

As could be expected, mixed reactions and opinions have quickly accumulated in the comments where many users shared their views, some in support of the lady and others in disagreement.

"It is a great truth, here there is no love, there is nothing"; "You have said a great truth, blessings"; "Very true each of your words, blessings"; "You are absolutely right, here there is no family love, but keep pushing forward because God is great"; "It is true, but stay strong my friend because we cannot go back"; "That's right, my dear, unfortunately they are unhappy"; "You are absolutely right, ma'am"; "My dear, it's just that everything here is money. If it weren't for money, how are you going to buy things?"; "That's right, you are absolutely right," many agreed.

"It's not the country, it's the people who have lost their values"; "Here people change"; "This country is wonderful, but there are many people who lack education"; "In Cuba, it's the same, it's humanity"; "What happens is that there are bad people everywhere"; "Here everything is about money, if it's not for money, how are you going to buy things?"; "With all due respect to you, the country has nothing to do with it, it's us human beings who have lost all value. It's the same in Cuba and in any other country. It's us." Others expressed this among the hundreds of comments, which also included suggestions for her to return to the island if she is so dissatisfied and disappointed.

In other videos, 'the grandmother' has also shared a bit of her story, the support she has received from her children since her arrival in the country, and the health problems she had to resolve due to the poor care on the island.

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