Cuban woman who moved from Florida to Missouri: "I came to this country to work, not to be in a nice place."

A Cuban shares her experience in Missouri after moving from Florida.

In a recent TikTok video, a Cuban (@housekeepingdaiana) shared her experience of moving from Orlando, Florida, to Missouri, highlighting the differences in the cost of living and job stability between the two states.

"Rents are more affordable than in Florida. I compare it to what I had in Orlando. My apartment had two bedrooms, a small kitchen and small dining room, and a living room; it didn’t have laundry, and I paid 1,750 for that rent. Here in Missouri, I have a rented house that has five bedrooms. Downstairs there is a half bath and upstairs a full bath. I have laundry, a huge patio, and space for four cars. I pay 1,650," he explains in the video.

Although she does not recommend that everyone move to Missouri, she notes that her personal experience has been positive thanks to the support received. "I'm not telling you to come to Missouri or leave Florida because it's not that easy either. We had people here who helped us with rent and work. It's not the best job, but in Florida my job was unstable; they were cutting our hours. My husband's job was unstable as well. Here, the work is stable, and where I am, I get my hours. I work less than in Florida, but it's stable. For me, it's better to live away from Florida."

This Cuban who works in housekeeping also shared the case of a friend who found affordable housing in Missouri. "I have a friend who rented a two-bedroom, two-bath apartment with a huge living room. It costs her 1200 pesos. In Florida, what condominium with two bedrooms and two baths costs that?"

He acknowledges that Missouri is not as attractive as Florida, but he values economic and job stability more. "This is not beautiful like Florida. I compare it in every way and it’s not pretty, but I came to this country with my feet on the ground to work, not to be in a nice place where they exploit you while paying you little. I see no point in being in a place like that. My respects to those who have done well in Florida, but not all of us have the same luck. We decided to come, and it is the best."

With this testimony, he seeks to reflect the difficulties and decisions that many immigrants face when searching for a better life in the United States, emphasizing the importance of job and economic stability over the aesthetic appeal of a city.

Given his experience, many other Cubans have shared their own experiences in the messages of the video.

"This is how she says I lived in Florida and had to move to Missouri and here I have a spacious apartment and a stable job," "My family and I have been in Miami for 11 years and we have nothing, just debts and worries, we have made the decision to go to Georgia and I think it's going to be the best," "In Miami, I paid 1,400 for a one-bedroom efficiency with a bathroom. A single mother with my daughters. I moved to Tennessee because my mom is here and now I pay 900 for a 4-bedroom, 2-bath house," or "I have lived in Missouri for 10 years and here I have been able to have a paid-off house, a paid-off car, a business, and a job."

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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