Hermann Tertsch: "Ending the monstrous dictatorship of Cuba must be a priority"

Hermann Tertsch calls for the overthrow of the communist regime in Cuba. He criticizes the repression on the island and the connection of the government of Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel with the current situation in Venezuela.

Hermann Tertsch © Captura de imagen en YouTube
Hermann TertschPhoto © Image capture on YouTube

The MEP and journalist Hermann Tertsch made a vigorous call for the overthrow of the communist regime in Cuba, once the current conflict in Venezuela over the alleged electoral fraud by Nicolás Maduro's government comes to an end.

In a thread of posts on the social network X, Tertsch emphasized the urgent need to put an end to what he describes as a "monstrous murderous dictatorship" that has subjugated Cuba for more than six decades.

His statements come at a time when the international community is assessing its stance towards the Cuban government, due to its connection with the fraud in the elections in Venezuela this Sunday, which has also led to protests across the country and more than 1,200 demonstrators detained.

Tertsch believes that the fall of the Cuban regime cannot be postponed in the long or medium term. "First, because the Cubans demand it, just as the Venezuelans have the right to exercise popular sovereignty," he stated.

In his opinion, the liberation of Cuba must go hand in hand with the fall of Nicolás Maduro's government in Venezuela, as both regimes are intrinsically connected.

The MEP also harshly criticized Josep Borrell, whom he refers to as the "main lobbyist for the dictatorship of Cuba in the European Union."

He warned that with the end of Borrell's mandate, there is an opportunity for Europe to adopt a firmer and more dignified policy against the Cuban regime.

"A policy of dignity and firmness can begin to take shape from Europe so that the Cuban ruling criminals know that their time is running out," he stated.

Tertsch emphasized that the situation would become even more favorable with a possible reelection of Donald Trump in the United States, as he believes that Trump is more aware of the importance of Latin America for U.S. security and interests.

In his publications, Tertsch lamented that after the failure of the Bay of Pigs, Western democracies have not taken decisive measures against the Cuban dictatorship, which has resulted in decades of suffering for the Cuban people.

"The world has been paying for a long time and very dearly that this septic tank run by killers and corrupt people would not come to an end," he stated.

Finally, he called on Cubans to rise up, assuring that they will have external help and that the communist regime will be subjected to relentless pressure on all fronts.

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