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Cuban activist Carolina Barrero obtains the Sakharov Scholarship from the European Parliament

The program is focused on training young activists to become agents of democratic change in their own countries.

The vice president of the EP, Dita Charanzová and the Cuban activist Carolina Barrero Photo © X / @carolinabferrer

The Cuban art historian and activist,Carolina Barrero Ferrer, obtained a Sakharov Scholarship of those awarded by theEuropean Parliament (EP) to the new generation of human rights defenders (HR).

Focused on the mission of training these activists to become agents of democratic change in their own countries, the EP Sakharov Scholarships have been awarded annually since 2016 to a maximum of fourteen human rights defenders from non-EU countries.European Union (EU).

“Grateful to receive this year the Sakharov Scholarship awarded by the European Parliament. It is a great honor to join the Sakharov family that previously, in the award category, received Cubans whom I admire so much, Osvaldo Payá, the Ladies in White and Guillermo Fariñas,” the young woman expressed on her social networks.

As he explained, the scholarship “consists of a program of meetings, conferences and preparation, on topics related to the defense of human rights and the functioning of European mechanisms in favor of democracy.”

“It is a recognition of Cuban activism and it is also an enormous responsibility that I will place, above all things, at the service of the cause of freedom,” concluded the member of theplataforma 27N and one of the most recognizable voices among the young activists who rallied around theSan Isidro Movement (MSI).

Sakharov Fellows have the opportunity to participate in intensive two-week training that helps them carry out their important work. This training takes place one week in Brussels and another at the Global Human Rights Campus in Venice.

According to the EP, participants can learn more about international and EU human rights frameworks, policies and mechanisms. In addition, they have the opportunity to meet with deputies, academics and representatives of NGOs.

The training provides practical tools to help activists communicate with the public and seek funding, as well as better understand the security challenges that human rights defenders often face.

“Thanks to the MEPJordi Canyas for his support of the cause of freedom and human rights in Cuba. We talked about the participation of the regime in the invasion of Ukraine and the need to review the foreign policy of the EU-Cuba, including the ADPC,” Barrero Ferrer said in a recent tweet.

The idea of activating the clause that ends the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (ADPC) signed between the EU and the Cuban regime is beginning to be invoked more strongly among the actors of theCuban civil society and European parliamentarians and politicians.

In a recent call, a group of 34 MEPs of various political tendencies, mostly Spanish, urged the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy,Joseph Borrell, a undertake "concrete steps" towards the democratization of Cuba.

The request is framed in the ADPC with the objective of achieving therelease of political prisoners and move towards a more open and democratic society on the Caribbean island. The initiative coincided with the visit to the EP ofCuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH), underlining the need for European diplomacy to implement concrete measures in the face of commitments "always unfulfilled" by the Cuban regime.

Previously, the EP condemned the human rights violations perpetrated by the Cuban regime against protesters, opponents, religious leaders, human rights activists and independent artists, and urged the authorities to immediately end the policy of repression.

In addition,urged the application of sanctions against those responsible for the repression, starting byMiguel Diaz-Canel as a preeminent figure in the chain of command of the Cuban security forces, along with other senior government officials.

"It is time to suspend our Agreement with Cuba and say 'we are going to support civil society, the Cubans on their path towards democracy,'" demanded in June the Vice President of the EP,Dita Charanzová.

This Tuesday, from his social networks, Barrero Ferrer thanked Charanzová "for her clarity and coherence in the defense of human rights, freedom and democracy in Cuba. Her words are light for those who, with their eyes closed, continue to provide support Vladimir Putin's greatest ally in Latin America".

"We will continue working together to change the current EU policy towards Cuba, which after 8 years has proven to be ineffective. The military, oppressive and corrupt elite that holds power in Cuba must be sanctioned by Europe, as established in the Law Magnitski on Human Rights Responsibility. There can be no condescension or impunity with tyrants when authoritarianism spreads and devastates Europe," concluded the Cuban activist.

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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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