The Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office initiated a criminal investigation on Monday against María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia, prominent leaders of the opposition, accusing them of "instigation to insurrection."
The measure was taken after both politicians called on the police and military forces to stop the "repression" that they claim is orchestrated by the ruler Nicolás Maduro. For his part, he denounced that such calls aim to promote a "coup" against him.
"The cited statement evidences the alleged commission of the crimes of Usurpation of Functions, Dissemination of False Information to Cause Alarm, Instigation to Disobey Laws, Instigation to Insurrection, Association to Commit Crimes, and Conspiracy," stated the communiqué from the Public Ministry of the Bolivarian Republic.
The document, signed by Attorney General Tarek William Saab, stated that the investigations focus on a "clear incitement" to disobedience among members of the armed forces and police.
Machado and González Urrutia urged the uniformed officers to "enforce" the results of the elections on July 28, in which González Urrutia emerged victorious, despite the National Electoral Council (CNE) declaring Maduro as the winner.
In that sense, Saab argued that Machado and González Urrutia act "outside the Constitution and the Law" by claiming that Maduro did not win legitimately.
"We call on the conscience of military personnel and police to stand with the people and their own families. With this massive violation of human rights, the high command aligns itself with Maduro and his vile interests," the opponents stated in their message.
Gathered under the Democratic Unified Platform (PUD), the opposition has been denouncing electoral fraud and has accused the government of brutally repressing the protests that arose after Maduro's proclamation.
Opposition leaders insist that Maduro "refuses to acknowledge that he was defeated" and claim that the international community, including the United States and Argentina, supports their stance. According to them, Maduro has launched a brutal offensive against democratic leaders, electoral witnesses, and ordinary citizens in an attempt to hide the truth.
They also reported that the Venezuelan president has staged a coup that contravenes constitutional order and is trying to make accomplices of the troops who do not belong to the military leadership.
"We are aware that in all components of the National Armed Forces, there is a decision not to repress citizens who, peacefully, demand their rights and their victory. Venezuelans are not enemies of the FAN," said Machado and González Urrutia.
In their message, they called to "prevent the actions of organized groups by the Maduro regime, a combination of military and police squads and armed groups outside the state, that beat, torture, and also kill under the protection of the evil power they represent."
"You can and must stop those actions immediately. We urge you to prevent the regime's rampage against the people and to respect, and to enforce, the results of the elections on July 28. Maduro has carried out a coup that undermines the entire constitutional order, and he wants to make you his accomplices," they concluded.
As tensions rise in the Andean country, the CNE continues to withhold the electoral records that would certify Maduro's victory.
For its part, the PUD has released 81% of these documents, which, according to the opposition, show that González Urrutia won by a wide margin. These revelations have sparked protests across the country, resulting in at least 13 dead and more than 2,000 detained.
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