The best gift! Cuban surprises her sister on her 15th birthday by arriving on the island.

The young woman did not expect that her sister, whom she hadn't seen for 3 years, would arrive as a surprise.

TikTok once again makes us witnesses to one of those reunions that are impossible not to feel emotional about. On this occasion, the protagonist is a young Cuban who was surprised by her sister on her 15th birthday, someone she hadn't seen in 3 years.

The video was shared by the TikTok user @oshuncita19950la, who surprised her younger sister on her birthday, and she couldn't hold back her tears upon seeing her at the party.

Without a doubt, this was the best gift she could give to her sister, and together they were able to celebrate the young woman's 15th birthday.

Thousands of Cubans do not hesitate to share their reunions with family after many years apart. Moments of joy and emotions running high that many hope to experience themselves.

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Izabela Pecherska

CiberCuba editor. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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