NGO denounces the detention of up to one hundred teenagers due to the recent protests in Venezuela.

Non-Governmental Organizations have reported violations in the arrests of protesters against the Maduro regime in Venezuela.

Manifestación en Venezuela © X/Comando ConVzla
Demonstration in VenezuelaPhoto © X/Comando ConVzla

The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Foro Penal has stated that there are detainees in Venezuela due to the protests against Nicolás Maduro's proclamation as re-elected president of Venezuela, totaling 1,102 people, which includes 100 adolescents and five indigenous individuals.

This NGO, which leads the defense of political prisoners in the South American country, indicates that the arrests are distributed across almost all regions of the country as a demonstration of the repression exerted by the government following allegations of electoral fraud, and were confirmed from July 29 to August 6, 2024.

The vice president of Foro Penal, Gonzalo Himiob, stated this Monday to the Efe agency that the "vast majority" of the detainees are accused of "terrorism" by the regime.

Regarding these events, violations of procedures have been reported. The general coordinator of the NGO Cecodap, Carlos Trapani, also explained to Efe that normal patterns in these detentions have not been observed, especially since the places where the detainees are taken are police commands or military bases, instead of specialized facilities for the care of minors.

There are also breaches of the stipulated times for the presentation of adolescents in court. The 24 hours pass, and many are unaware of the reasons for the accusations.

Trapani noted that the families have reported excessive physical and psychological violence during the arrests, as well as limited communication between the detainees and their representatives or defenders.

He pointed out that among those imprisoned is a minor who is 13 years old, recorded in the records maintained by human rights organizations, which is considered a violation of Venezuelan legislation that states that a person under 14 years old is not criminally responsible.

Last Saturday, taking advantage of a Chavista gathering at the Palace of Miraflores, the ruler Nicolás Maduro boasted about his tough stance against the protesters who are demonstrating against the fraud committed in the recent elections in Venezuela.

"We have 2,000 prisoners captured, and from there they go to Tocorón and Tocuyito [maximum security prisons of the regime, located in the states of Aragua and Carabobo, respectively]," Maduro revealed with a affected strongman voice.

Cheered and applauded by his supporters, the dictator called for "maximum punishment" for the detainees and assured that "this time there will be no forgiveness... this time what there will be is Tocorón."

"Everyone confesses, everyone, because there has been a strict, legal process led by the Attorney General of the Republic, with full guarantees, and everyone is convicted and confessing," Maduro stated, accusing the detainees of being trained fascists to burn electoral centers, as well as regional offices of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and other alleged terrorist acts.

Groups of repressors on motorcycles, in uniform or in civilian clothes, have been recorded while chasing and beating protesters, especially young people. Gunfire into the air, homes of opponents marked in a pure Nazi style, and other crimes have been documented by activists and Venezuelan citizens.

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