Cuban man arrested in Miami for impregnating a 15-year-old girl

The man appeared before the court this Thursday. A bail of $22,500 was set.

The Cuban Lenuam González, 42 years old, was arrested in Miami for getting a 15-year-old girl pregnant.

González appeared before the court this Thursday. He is charged with lascivious and obscene assault against a minor, custody interference, child abuse, and impregnating a minor. Judge Mindy S. Glazer set bail at $22,500 for this defendant.

The arrest report, consulted by América Noticias, states that after several calls from the mother to the daughter, it was González who answered the phone. He told her that she should "let the young woman fly free like a bird."

The teenager returned home on the condition that her mother would not call the police. González himself accompanied her to the house.

The police investigation into this case began when the mother of the teenager reported her missing. The leads led to the Cuban. He was arrested when it was confirmed that he had relations with the minor.

González claims that he has done nothing wrong. He stated that he was aware of the pregnancy. He insisted that the young woman's mother also knew and called the police to take revenge on him.

The teenager lied several times to the police to protect González, but the officers were able to uncover the entire conflict.

"First he said he was the mother's boyfriend, then that he is with her, and later that she is pregnant. It hurts us to know that a 42-year-old man took advantage of a girl," expressed police spokesperson Mike Vega.

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