Electric Union announces blackouts in Cuba while the regime projects an image of Fidel Castro in the Plaza.

The state company made a communication slip and repeated the outage report from the previous day, perhaps fearing to deliver bad news on this Tuesday the 13th.

Plaza de la Revolución y apagón en Cuba © X / Presidencia de Cuba - CiberCuba
Plaza de la Revolución and blackout in CubaPhoto © X / Presidency of Cuba - CiberCuba

The Electric Union of Cuba (UNE) announced blackouts for this Tuesday, August 13, the birthday of dictator Fidel Castro, while the regime of his heirs projects an image of the dictator in the so-called 'Plaza de la Revolución'.

The "continuity" government of Miguel Díaz Canel, which promised a summer without blackouts after six months of maintenance and repairs to the thermoelectric plants, has not fulfilled its promise. July and the beginning of August have been a nightmare for the vast majority of Cubans, who have not enjoyed a single day of summer without cuts in the electricity supply.

Unfulfilled promises aside, the regime demonstrated that it cares more about the propaganda that supports its permanence in power than the well-being of Cubans. The evidence was captured in the tower of the Plaza (known as the "raspadura"), where powerful spotlights projected the image of Castro.

This Monday, "the service was affected due to a deficit in generation capacity throughout the day," indicated the UNE in its report on social media. Apparently, the state-owned company led by Alfredo López Valdés made a communication slip and published the report from the previous day (August 12), instead of the one corresponding to this Tuesday.

Screenshot Facebook / UNE

The matter is minor, considering that the credibility of the UNE is already at an all-time low, and that blackouts continue to occur in amounts impossible to measure for Cubans, who have to rely on the forecasts of the UNE.

It matters little if the state-owned company that holds the monopoly on generation and distribution in Cuba predicts a decrease of 390 MW for this Tuesday the 13th. It could be 10 or 1,000 MW: there will be no way to verify the truth of what the company has published.

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