Reaction of a Cuban mother upon learning that her daughter received residency in the USA and that she will see her again.

Cuban woman reunites with her mother on the island after obtaining residency in the USA.

A Cuban woman (@maryhernandez330) shared the heartfelt video of her sister's reunion with her daughter in Cuba and how this beautiful moment was organized with the help of several accomplices. In the video, the woman summarizes how they arranged this very special visit, revealing the big surprise that they had kept a secret until the last moment.

The fear that the surprise would have an emotional impact on his sister led them to hide the news until the last day of the visit, when the daughter was about to return. "My daughter visiting Cuba, telling her aunt, my sister, to whom we have hidden that her daughter has received her residency, but that she is flying back tomorrow and we were afraid to give her the surprise and something would happen to her, almost two years since her two children and two grandchildren emigrated," he commented in the video.

"That was in Jatibonico, my daughter took her to spend time with her at the family and friends' house," she added after showing the mother, who was excited to know that she would soon see one of her daughters again.

The video ends with the family gathering and emphasizes the woman's gratitude toward the neighbors, whom she describes as "angels that God placed in my sister's path." The beautiful images have moved hundreds of Cubans, who are eager to experience the emotions of reuniting with their relatives firsthand.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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