Population denounces favoritism and retention of merchandise in Villa Clara.

In a store in the municipality of Manicaragua, Villa Clara, instances of favoritism and retention of goods were detected, based on reports from individuals.

Detectan violaciones en una tienda de Manicaragua, Villa Clara © Collage Facebook / Inspección Villa Clara
Violations detected at a store in Manicaragua, Villa ClaraPhoto © Collage Facebook / Villa Clara Inspection

The government of the province of Villa Clara, based on complaints from the population, detected several cases of favoritism and retention of goods in stores and sales points in the municipality of Manicaragua.

The official profile of Inspección Villa Clara on Facebook reported that the most significant violations were identified at the El Paraíso Infantil store, where instances of retention and favoritism in the distribution of goods were detected.

Facebook Capture / Villa Clara Inspection

The inspectors discovered six boxes of Popular Rojo cigarettes, a can of corn syrup, and ten cans of Cristal beer hidden beneath the cashier's counter. None of these products were available for sale to the public, and the cashier did not present purchase invoices, suggesting that the items were being withheld for personal use or to benefit customers.

Additionally, at the same point of sale, a retention of 105 H. Upmann and Selecto cigar wheels was found, valued at 140 pesos each, which were neither displayed nor registered as surplus. These products, intended for sale to the public, remained hidden, evidencing a clear case of favoritism and a direct violation of pricing and supply regulations.

The official profile also reported that multiple violations of Resolution 225/2024 were detected at points of sale for food services, revealing abusive practices in price fixing and the marketing of products in poor condition.

At the CP Matagua food service point of sale, it was found that 340-gram sausages were being sold for 450 pesos, when the maximum price allowed by the resolution was 355.30 pesos. This difference of 94.70 pesos above the established price represents a clear violation of the regulations.

In addition, in this same establishment, nine-gram packages of button candies with an expiration date of August 7, 2024, were found, of which 33 units were seized because they did not meet the required quality standards for consumption.

At the food service sales point CP Ceibabo, similar infractions were also discovered. Packages of 250-gram noodles were being sold for 250 pesos, when according to the resolution they should cost 208.75 pesos, resulting in a surcharge of 41.25 pesos for each package.

Similarly, in another food service establishment, the sale of boxes of Popular cigars from the warehouse at 120 pesos and 330 ml soft drinks at 60 pesos was detected, prices that also exceeded the established limits.

Those responsible for the detected violations were fined in accordance with the provisions of Decree 30/21, with penalties ranging from 8,000 to 10,000 pesos. Additionally, as further measures, disciplinary actions were requested against the responsible entities, the confiscation of the products in violation was carried out, and the possible cancellation of the involved projects was proposed.

Recently, after confirming the alleged violation of prices, the government of Villa Clara forced vendors at an agricultural fair in the municipality of Placetas to sell their goods through a forced sale.

The official profile reported on Facebook that multiple violations in product prices were detected at the agricultural fair, which led to the offenders being forced to sell their goods.

At the beginning of the month, the provincial government imposed fines of up to 15,000 pesos on individuals involved in corruption incidents in several hotels in the province.

In June, the Provincial Inspection Directorate of Villa Clara detected serious violations in several pharmacies in the city of Santa Clara during an audit conducted after receiving multiple complaints from the public.

Leticia Alfonso, director of that entity, reported that in all the pharmacies inspected during a surprise inspection, the reported incidents were confirmed, and fines were imposed according to Decree 30 of 2021 on those responsible for the incidents related to theft and shortages, according to a note posted on Facebook by the Provincial Government of Villa Clara.

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