"Never let anyone tell you that you can't": Cuban moves TikTok with inspiring message for emigrants

"Go for your dreams because I am sure you will make them a reality."

A young Cuban who has been living in France for four years has touched many users on TikTok with a video in which she spoke about the difficulties and achievements of being an emigrant.

In her message, Claudia (@ClauGB) expressed how she has had to adapt to a new country, facing the language barrier, the critical gaze of the locals, and the nostalgia for her home, but she also celebrated the pride of having overcome these challenges.

The video has generated a wave of responses from other emigrants who - from Italy, Germany, Spain, or even France - have identified with his words and have shared their own experiences, agreeing on how difficult the adaptation process is, but also on the strength and courage they have developed along the way.

"It is beautiful and sad what you say, I am Cuban and I have suffered all that you talk about"; "Everything is very difficult, despair is killing me, but we have to keep going"; "Thank you for that boost of energy"; "Here alone, but not giving up, fighting with everything"; "I have been away from my Cuba for 30 years and without the right to return. It is extremely hard"; "It was difficult, but I did it. Today I am proud of everything I have achieved," are just some of the comments that have followed the post.

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