Alexander Delgado in jealous dad mode with his daughter Kuki: "I'm watching you."

It seems that Kuki "lost" the singer for a few days, and he was already worried.

Between Alexander Delgado and his eldest daughter Kuki, there is a great complicity, but from time to time, the Gente de Zona member shows his jealous and controlling dad side.

"I lost track of him for a few days and he says he’s hunting me down," Kuki wrote on her Instagram alongside a funny video in which her father tries to find out at all costs what his daughter was up to when he lost sight of her.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages," Alexander asks her with laughter, but with that underlying concern that parents often have.

When the girl replies that she was around, the singer reacted: "Around? I'm hunting you down. See where you were. You know I'm watching you."

Next, they entered into a debate about who copies whom when it comes to dressing and whether they use the same colors; anyone seeing them "argue" over such a trivial thing would think they are two friends and not father and daughter.

However, something came up in the conversation that did seem quite serious: "I dress just like you, but the difference is that I don't send you flowers."

The reference to the bouquets of flowers that Kuki has been receiving, apparently from some admirer, was very clear, and Alexander reminded her without hesitation that he still hasn't forgotten about that matter.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment