Baby Lores lashes out at Otaola after insinuating that his music academy is sponsored by the dictatorship.

"I'm not going to allow you to mess with families, to mess with my kids, to mess with the parents, you're trying to destroy three years of work," the singer told the host.

Baby Lores took aim at Alexander Otaola and made some points clear after he insinuated in one of his programs that her music academy for children with special needs is sponsored by the Cuban dictatorship.

In an interview for "Destino Tolk," the Cuban singer said he felt very upset and surprised by Otaola's statements and clarified that it is completely unfounded to say that the millions invested in the school come from the Cuban regime.

In the interview, the artist added that Otaola tried to influence the children's parents by saying that they are indoctrinated in school, using the performances of the little ones singing "Let the Children Sing" as an example.

"Ignorance cannot go that far; it's not a Cuban song, it's by José Luis Perales, a Spaniard, it's a worldwide song. Ah, that it was used in Cuba because it was a famous song does not mean it is a song of the dictatorship. Dictatorships appropriate many things," asserted Baby Lores.

The musician added that Otaola tried to manipulate by saying that "in our school we are using music to indoctrinate children and instill communism (...) I will not allow you to mess with families, to mess with my children, to mess with parents, trying to destroy three years of work (...) I will not allow you to try to send poison to people to spread such a great falsehood."

Baby Lores explained that the money he has invested in his academy comes from the fruits of his career in music: “I do not live off today’s concert, I live off my career (…) The money for the school comes entirely from my work, from my savings, from my royalties, from my career of 20 years ago, from the sacrifices we make (…) This school for me is not a business, it is a life project.”

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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