The Goddess's reaction to the painting of a girl who drew her

The Goddess reacted to the artistic creation that the girl made in her honor.

A girl calledAngie from the city of Miami, Florida has shown that she is a big fan of The goddess and he has done it through the plastic arts.

During her painting class, the little girl made a drawing in tribute to the popular Cuban singer, capturing on the canvas how she sees the artist.

"Look Goddess, Angie is painting you. She says it's a tribute to The Goddess, isn't that right Angie?", commented the teacher while recording the girl and another boy who chose to paint his version of The Mona Lisa.

The Goddess did not take long to react to Angie's creativity and decided to have her as a reference to develop her art in painting class.

So he decided to respond to the little girl through social networks, leaving her a tender "Beautiful" that was accompanied by a heart emoticon in the video publication itself.

The painting class took place at the art academy owned by the Cuban singerBaby Lores in the city of Miami, where various specialties such as dance, music or drawing and painting are taught.

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Filed in:

Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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