Man deceives elderly woman and steals television in another home in Centro Habana.

The incident occurred on Gervasio Street between Virtudes and Concordia in the Dragones neighborhood, in Central Havana.

Televisor © Facebook/El Cubano Fiel
TelevisionPhoto © Facebook/El Cubano Fiel

A Cuban was arrested by the island's police after taking advantage of an elderly woman and, through her rooftop, managed to steal a television from another house.

The Facebook profile El Cubano Fiel, associated with the Ministry of the Interior, published this fact in order to exalt the work of the questioned Cuban police.

Capture from Facebook/El Cubano Fiel

According to this source, the incident occurred on Gervasio Street between Virtudes and Concordia in the Dragones neighborhood, in Central Havana.

The neighbor who was robbed was identified as Magaly and she thanked her neighbors for helping in the recovery of her television and the arrest of the criminal who had stolen it.

The publication states that the alleged thief "took advantage of an elderly lady who is a neighbor of Magaly and told her that he was the victim's husband and that he needed her to let him pass through the rooftop because he had left the house key behind."

In a somewhat unbelievable act, the profile itself claims, with a few spelling mistakes, that "after accessing the house and returning the same way, because he supposedly couldn't find the key, he left with the television in a bag and under his arm."

It also adds that “Magaly realized the theft and went to the Zanja police to file a report,” and states that the incident was resolved “in less time than it takes for a rooster to crow,” including the arrest of the alleged criminal.

The publication, with an interaction that is not at all relevant and poorly narrated, reveals the sustained activity that supposed profiles on social networks engage in to exalt the work of the Cuban police, which is so questioned for the ineffectiveness of its actions, especially when it comes to repressing the population, because in that regard they are indeed prominent.

Precisely on Monday afternoon, a woman was attacked with a machete by her ex-partner in Santiago de Cuba.

However, the neighbors expressed indignation due to the delay of the police, whom they claim they began calling from the onset of the assault, but who took a long time to arrive at the scene.

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