Venezuelan teaches "the tricks" of his Cuban wife: No bottle is what it says on the outside.

She quickly reposted the video of her husband on her own profile.

TikTok user Deivy De la Hoz, of Venezuelan origin and residing in Miami with his wife, has gone viral on the platform after sharing a funny video about the "quirks" of his Cuban partner, who is originally from Santiago de Cuba.

In the video, Deivy showed how his wife recycles and reuses containers to the point that he can get confused searching for products in the darkness of the night: What he thought was Nesquik chocolate turned out to be chamomile tea, and the lemonade is pineapple juice.

In her video, which has sparked a wide reaction from users, she humorously recounted her experience, expressing her surprise at finding that none of the jars at home contained what the label promised. "I have to check everything at home two or three times because none of it is what it says on the outside," she commented, while continuing to show more examples of her wife's creative repurposing of containers.

User comments, in turn, accumulated laughter and funny messages, as well as advice and similar anecdotes: "In Cuba, nothing is thrown away, everything is recycled, even condensed milk cans to measure rice"; "I thought chocolate was coffee, haha"; "That's what you call real recycling"; "Be careful, Santiago women get fiery when they argue"; "Literally, that's how we all are, but very clean and organized"; "I laughed a lot, that happens to me too"; "Leave it as it was, or you'll get scolded"; "You made my day with this video"; "I’m also from Santiago and I confirm we are like that"; "Mine is the same, she recycles everything"; "Welcome to the world of Cuban women, bro"; "That can’t be cured, it's customs that don’t go away"; "In Venezuela, we do the same, bro"; "That’s a trauma that doesn’t go away with time," is read among the more than a thousand messages that the post has generated in one day.

The video not only accumulated thousands of views and comments on its profile, but it was also reposted by his wife on her own profile.

After this video, @deivydelahoz posted another one proudly showing off how delicious his Santiago wife cooks.

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