Pizza without cheese and bread like stone: Argentine influencer shares her experience at a hotel in Varadero.

In the comments, many asked him why he was going to Cuba, and others recommended that he shouldn't, especially to avoid supporting the regime.

The Argentine influencer Georgi sparked controversy on TikTok after posting a video in which she shared her disappointing experience at an all-inclusive hotel in Varadero.

In the video, which has already garnered thousands of likes and hundreds of comments, Georgi (@georgigalle) showed images of the food he was offered during his stay at the Hotel Sol Palmeras and described the situation, emphasizing the lack of variety and quality of the food.

"We started with the appetizer that I can't quite distinguish what it is (...) The pizza, of course, is served to you without cheese," commented the content creator, who also complained about the hardness of the bread and the lack of options for desserts: "I hope you like watermelon because it's the only fruit available."

The video has provoked divided reactions. Some users shared similar experiences at other hotels on the island. "I was there a couple of months ago and it's just like that... there's no food at the all-inclusive, pizza without cheese, just beans, and things like that"; "It's exactly like that, if you arrived a little late, there was nothing left. At one restaurant, they gave me the menu and told me there’s nothing from this, I can give you white rice with a piece of meat, there's no dessert either"; "I went to that same hotel and it’s true. The meals change every day, it was eggplant day and everything had eggplant, then it was potato day and everything had potato, and so on."

Others, on the other hand, went out to defend the quality of other hotels in Cuba, pointing out that their experience was different: "I do not confirm this, a few months ago I was in an all-inclusive (Meliá Habana and Meliá Varadero) and the food was abundant, like in all the all-inclusives in other Caribbean countries," expressed a user. Another added: "I was at the Meliá Varadero and it was completely different... a lot of food, no limits, cheese pizzas, soft bread... plenty of fruits."

Georgi's criticisms were not limited to the food. The influencer also highlighted that, despite the limitations, the hotel was promoted as one of the best in Varadero, which she described as a "clear scam." In response to a comment suggesting that the hotel was of low quality, Georgi pointed out: "It's not below average at all; they sold it to me as the best compared to the others. I can't imagine the rest."

The video also generated more critical comments about the situation in Cuba and opinions on what is best for the people who suffer from shortages and scarcity of all kinds: "And that's a luxury compared to what the locals live"; "What did you expect? The beaches can't be compared either"; "I was in Cuba and I wouldn't go back, people are dying of hunger"; "I couldn't go to Cuba knowing that my money feeds the regime while people go hungry outside"; "What do you expect from a communist country? It's in total decline"; "I don't understand how someone can enjoy an all-inclusive knowing how the Cuban people live"; "It is incomprehensible to support a regime that oppresses its people just for a vacation"; "The true reality of Cuba is much worse than what the hotels show"; "With so many places in the Caribbean, why go to a country in crisis?"; "We shouldn't continue enriching a dictatorship that only generates more poverty"; "Tourism in Cuba only benefits the regime, not its people," said the more critical voices.

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