Young Cuban military man claims they do not want to grant him his discharge from the FAR.

The young man is from the municipality of Niquero, in Granma Province.

A 30-year-old military member identified as Freddy Torres Quiala reported that he has been requesting to be discharged from the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) for health issues for years, and they are denying his request.

Torres Quiala serves in the Tank Division of Managua, in Havana, and fears they want to prosecute him and take him away as a prisoner.

"This is dedicated to my family and friends, so they know what I am going through. I know they want to incriminate me in my unit, and I know what all this will entail, without having any guilt," explained Torres Quiala in a video posted on his social media that he later felt obliged to remove.

"I know they want to put me on trial and imprison me. That's what they want to do with me and several others, due to an injustice, because I don't want to be a soldier, because I'm tired, because I've been in service for eight years. I've spent four years as a cadet and eight as an officer. They are forcing me, despite my health problems, to continue in the Armed Forces," denounced the young man, who is from Niquero, in the Granma province.

Freddy Torres explained that he has been requesting his discharge for five years, that he has appealed to high command, that he has been to the MINFAR three times, and that he even sent a letter to the minister, but nothing.

In statements to journalist Yosmany Mayeta, the military official detailed what his health problems are.

"I have been diagnosed with chronic sacrolumbalgia, which includes two deviations, a spina bifida, and cervical issues. This is due to my suffering from rheumatism. In addition, I take strong medication for psychiatry due to the stress and insomnia that this situation has caused me," he explained to the cited communicator.

He added that he was forced to remove the video from his social media and was threatened with being prosecuted for his statements.

"I don't know if it is considered insubordination or a violation of Order 4 from the Minister, which regulates the use of social networks," he commented.

The lieutenant fears being unfairly judged by the Military Prosecutor's Office, although he is convinced that he is right.

"It is an injustice on their part. I am the one who is right and for exposing it to the world. They want to take exemplary measures so that the body of officers goes into a panic and does not do the same," he expressed.

Freddy, who is the father of a girl who will turn 6 years old on September 7, is the breadwinner of his family.

The Cuban has advised families that their children should never become soldiers.

"It is better a thousand times to stand than to live on your knees," he concluded in statements quoted by Mayeta Labrada.

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