They militarize Havana's Central Park to prevent an initiative by Cuban dissidents.

The denunciation of the militarization was made by the activist Lara Crofs on Facebook.

Parque Central en La Habana © Facebook/Lara Crofs
Central Park in HavanaPhoto © Facebook/Lara Crofs

The Cuban regime militarized Central Park in Havana in order to prevent the gathering that Cuban dissidents and opposition members hold on the 18th of every month.

The 18th of each month has become the terror date of the tyranny. Before they had a 27, then a memorable 11, and now it's the 18th, which also intends to hijack Martí. Yes, because as we all know, they have taken over and manipulated at will and convenience every martyr and national date they have needed for their purposes," denounced Cuban activist Yamilka Lafita from her Facebook profile, known on social media as Lara Crofs.

Facebook screenshot/Lara Crofs

The complainant shared photos of the capital park, where police officers, military personnel, State Security agents dressed in civilian clothing, and participants of an "unexpected event, of which even the organizers themselves could not explain the purpose," could be seen.

Facebook screenshot/Lara Croft.

He also stated that "the intention is only one and very clear, that we cannot reach Martí, that we cannot show support for the teachers Alina Bárbara López Hernández and Jenny Pantoja Torres, both with restraining orders preventing them from leaving their homes, for exercising their rights."

In her opinion, Yamilka stated that the regime is afraid of those who do not think like them and shows it through acts of protest.

Once again, the fetid fear of an obsolete and decadent system is evident, which allocates thousands of dollars in resources to repress, silence, and control, but are totally incapable of making public services function normally," he wrote.

Particularly, on this July 18, it is remembered that the "International Nelson Mandela Day" is commemorated, and this year it has the theme, announced by the United Nations, "The fight against poverty and inequality is in our hands."

As a Cuban, I would say this these days: The fight for democracy and freedom in our country is in our hands," she concluded.

On the 18th of last June, the Cuban police and State Security detained the Cuban academic Alina Bárbara López Hernández, who traveled from Matanzas to Havana on that date every month.

The teacher was released in the afternoon of that same day, and her daughter, who remained active on Facebook spreading the word about the case, said that, along with Jenny Pantoja Torres, her mother had to go to the hospital to be examined for the injuries she received from the Cuban police officers.

When recalling the events, Alina Bárbara expressed that the Cuban police took advantage of two important aspects very well. The first one was having stopped before the Bacunayagua bridge, because at this checkpoint there are cameras that record everything.

And two, the intention to involve her in a new common process, apparently without political overtones.

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