Announcer Yunior Morales reveals that the Cuban government prohibited his recordings in the media.

The communicator continuously reiterates his desire for freedom for all political prisoners and for the pain in the mothers and families on the island to end, with the hope of seeing a free Cuba for the good of all its children.

Yunior Morales © Facebook/Yunior Morales
Yunior MoralesPhoto © Facebook/Yunior Morales

The prominent broadcaster Yunior Morales publicly denounced that the Cuban government prohibited the broadcasting of his recordings in all media on the island, in yet another repressive measure by the regime to bury in oblivion those who criticize its brutal dictatorship.

Morales, whohe left his homelandand settled in the United States after being censored since the end of 2020 due to his critical stance, he revealed through his account ofFacebookthat a few months ago he found out that the order to remove his voice from the media had been issued.

Facebook post/Yunior Morales

"Remove all voices of the announcer Yunior Morales," stated the communicator before recounting that at the Cienfuegos station Radio Ciudad del Mar, "the Methodological Group met with the workers to express that not a single recording" of him could remain, which extended to Canal Perlavisión.

He also indicated that in the sound archive of the mentioned broadcaster, there was a list of limited and banned artists. "Some names: Celia Cruz, Willy Chirino, Gloria Estefan, and so many others with ample reason to feel proud for not being part of a dictatorship."

"Amidst so many great ones who have been exiled in many ways, I feel small, but equally in terms of dignity and courage," he added in his post.

Likewise, he expressed his happiness for everything he has achieved: “Being a broadcaster was a personal fulfillment that will never be above my human values. I started at 23 years old, I was evaluated, I had a lot of content, I can only imagine how much they must have scrutinized in various radio stations and television channels to erase (me).”

The activist continuously reiterates his desire for freedom for all political prisoners and for the pain to end for the mothers and families on the island, with the hope of seeing a free Cuba for the good of all its children.

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