Electric Union announces blackout Sunday in Cuba

The estimated availability during peak hours is 2640 MW, but 2950 MW is projected, resulting in a deficit of 310 MW.

Apagón en Cuba © Cibercuba
Blackout in CubaPhoto © Cibercuba

With several units out of operation, Cuba's Electric Union informed this Sunday that blackouts are expected in several regions of the country due to a deficit in generation capacity.

According to the informative note published on the social media platform Facebook, at 07:00 hours, the availability of the National Electric System (SEN) was 2340 MW, compared to a demand of 2100 MW. Although at that moment the entire system was operational, it is estimated that during peak hours the demand will exceed the available capacity.

Facebook post/Electric Union

The estimated availability during the peak is 2640 MW, but 2950 MW is projected, resulting in a deficit of 310 MW. This mismatch could lead to an impact of up to 380 MW at the peak demand time, increasing the likelihood of interruptions in the electrical service.

Currently, unit 1 of the CTE Santa Cruz, the unit of the CTE Antonio Guiteras, unit 2 of the CTE Felton, and unit 5 of the CTE Rente are out of service due to breakdowns. In addition, there are limitations in thermal generation by 469 MW, along with 41 distributed generation plants that are out of service due to a lack of fuel, affecting a total of 204 MW.

To meet the demand, the reactivation of the CTE Guiteras unit with 240 MW is expected, along with the introduction of distributed generation engines, which, although they have exceeded their maintenance hours, will be used to contribute an additional 60 MW.

On Saturday, the service was interrupted several times, with a maximum impact of 951 MW at 8:30 PM.

The energy crisis does not seem to have an end. Just last Friday, the Electric Company of Havana reported the need to increase blackouts in the capital to four hours due to a significant deficit in generation.

According to the published text, customers associated with Blocks #3 and #4 of the city will face power cuts "due to emergency" for four hours a day, specifically between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.

The situation worsened with the sudden shutdown of the Antonio Guiteras for at least seven days. The management of the largest generating plant in the country stated in a post that during the following week, the technicians will take advantage of "every minute to work on the cleaning and maintenance of other equipment that also needs it."

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