Diana Rosa Suárez celebrates her 80th birthday among friendly colleagues.

"Unconditional friend, always willing to help, to give love, always with a smile and eager to live!" described her actress Tahimí Alvariño.

Diana Rosa Suárez celebra su 80 cumpleaños © Tahimi Alvariño Veloz /
Diana Rosa Suárez celebrates her 80th birthday.Photo © Tahimi Alvariño Veloz /

The Cuban actress Diana Rosa Suárez turned 80 years old and celebrated with a big party surrounded by friends and colleagues.

Tahimí Alvariño shared photos of the celebration on her Facebook profile, which included the cake with candles.

"Yesterday we had the joy of celebrating the 80th birthday of our dear Diana Rosa Suárez. An unconditional friend, always willing to help, to give love, always with a smile and with a great desire to live!" described Tahimí.

Facebook Capture / Tahimí Alvariño

"Long life to you, dear friend! Congratulations!" he added.

Diana Rosa celebrated her special day with other prominent figures of Cuban art, such as actors Paula Alí, Verónica Lynn, Néstor Jiménez, Mario Aguirre, Héctor Noas, Miriam Socarrás, and Gretel Cazón, as well as presenter Marino Luzardo and singers Beatriz Márquez and Héctor Tellez.

Last year, the prestigious and popular actress celebrated it in a big way, surrounded by friends, loved ones, and even a mariachi group.

In the party images, she could be seen reciting poetry, chatting with friends, laughing, and dancing to the rhythm of good Mexican music.

Diana Rosa was born on August 30, 1944, in the neighborhood of Luyanó, in Havana. She was raised by her grandparents and from a very young age, she knew which profession she wanted to dedicate herself to. Therefore, she has accumulated more than 60 years of professional experience.

In her personal life, she is a happy grandmother of two granddaughters who live in the United States. She has been married three times, but as she confessed in an interview in 2020, she has been alone for a long time and no longer adapts to living with a partner.

"I have become very foolish and I have gotten used to solitude. I am not afraid of it; on the contrary, I like it. However, if perhaps I had forgiven someone, I wouldn't be alone," she said.

Her friends consider her a very loyal person. "Henry, my friend, tells me that I am like the SIUM, I take everyone to the doctor, since I am the only one managing the actresses of my generation. I spend my life for the sake of my friends. I have many and they love me so much..."

"They play such an important role; they make me grow, make me happy, and in the most difficult moments, I have had their support, affection, and love. I am happy to have such good friends."

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