Mario Cimarro celebrates the second birthday of his daughter Briana: "Everything revolves around you, and we wouldn't change it for anything."

The little Briana had a Hawaiian-themed party.

Mario Cimarro y su familia © Instagram / Mario Cimarro
Mario Cimarro and his familyPhoto © Instagram / Mario Cimarro

The life of Cuban actor Mario Cimarro took a 180-degree turn with the arrival of his daughter Briana, the beautiful girl he had with his partner, Slovak model Bronislava Gregusová. Together they have formed a wonderful family of which he could not be prouder, and on special occasions, like his princess's birthday, the telenovela heartthrob shows it by sharing beautiful images of the three of them together.

To celebrate their daughter Briana's second birthday, the couple chose a Hawaiian theme inspired by the movie Lilo & Stitch. The three posed together with cartoon balloons and the main star: the birthday girl.

Excited to see his daughter turn another year older, he wrote alongside the images: "Today marks exactly 2 years since you arrived, and I can confess that these have been the two most wonderful years of our lives. Every day, minute, and second everything revolves around you, and we wouldn't change it for anything. Happy Birthday my little girl, I celebrate you today and every day. You are our greatest joy! Our treasure!"

Mario Cimarro's followers joined the virtual celebration and dedicated their best wishes to Briana.

For her part, the mom also posted photos of the party along with the following text: "My beloved love, my most beautiful miracle, there are no words to describe the love I feel for you, dear daughter. I love you more than anything in the world, and for your birthday today, I wish you only the best and the most beautiful. You are incredibly amazing, I love your personality and who you are, I adore you. Thank you for being beautiful already (how time flies) for 2 years. Two beautiful years!"


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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