The Goddess responds to criticism for giving away her clothes: "When is the Cuban going to learn to respect the actions of others?"

"Those who always dedicated themselves to offending should do something positive so that the universe can bring something good back to them," said the singer.

La Diosa © Instagram / La Diosa
The GoddessPhoto © Instagram / La Diosa

The Goddess decided to give her followers the clothes she will no longer wear, and although she received countless compliments for this gesture, several internet users also criticized her, something that the artist did not overlook.

In the comments on a CiberCuba post on Facebook, La Diosa responded to the criticisms and questions she received after giving away her clothes and clarified what her intention was.

Facebook Capture / CiberCuba News

"When will Cubans learn to respect the actions of others, especially when they are positive? In the USA, only newly arrived Cubans may be in need of some clothes; the others have them and don’t need them. The idea behind this was solely to ensure that my followers had some pieces from the artist they support and love, and among those people were also newcomers who were given some too," explained the artist.

In her comment, La Diosa also referred to why she announced on social media that she would be giving away these garments: "If I don't publish it, I have no way to reach them, I can't go door to door because I don't even know where they live. All those who have always dedicated themselves to offending should do something positive so that the universe can return something good to them; otherwise, years will go by and they will be in the same shit life they live daily because we all reap what we sow."

The Goddess added that her wish is to be able to do more for her followers and one day be able to give them bigger gifts.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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