Power outage leaves several municipalities in Havana without water.

The service is affected in Plaza de la Revolución, 10 de Octubre, Old Havana, Central Havana, Cerro, and part of Boyeros.

Trabajadores de la Empresa Aguas de La Habana en la rotura © Aguas de La Habana AH / Facebook
Workers of the Aguas de La Habana company in the break.Photo © Aguas de La Habana AH / Facebook

In the early hours of this Thursday, a blackout occurred that caused a malfunction in the facilities supplying water to the Cuban capital, resulting in several municipalities losing service.

The company Aguas de La Habana explained that the lack of electrical power caused a breakdown in the 78-inch pipeline of Cuenca Sur and two others in the 1000 pipeline of PAD.

Facebook Capture / Aguas de La Habana AH

"The Brigade of Great Drivers and the Special Works brigades have worked all afternoon, night, and early morning and will remain on site until it is resolved," he announced on his Facebook profile.

In another post, the entity attributed the power outages that occurred in the main supply sources supplying the capital, especially in Cuenca Sur, Ariguanabo, and El Gato, to the weather conditions of the previous day.

"For this reason, the water service to the municipalities of Old Havana, Centro Habana, 10 de Octubre, Plaza de la Revolución, Cerro, and part of Boyeros is seriously affected," he specified.

At the end of July, a blackout in the transmission lines feeding the Cuenca Sur supply well field destroyed the pipeline and left half of Havana without water.

The company Aguas de La Habana explained that the lack of electric power caused a sudden total interruption of the pumping, which in turn caused several water hammer effects in the primary pipeline from that source, leading to collapses in three locations.

More than 600,000 Cubans currently have no access to drinking water, and according to the president of the Water and Sanitation Business Group, José Antonio Hernández, the main cause is the ongoing blackouts that cause failures in the pumping system.

The situation is especially complex in Havana, where more than 130,000 people have been affected by this situation for days.

On Tuesday night, residents of San Miguel del Padrón, desperate and outraged by the lack of water for more than two weeks, took to the streets to protest and blocked the roads in their neighborhoods.

Dozens of residents from the neighborhoods La Rosita and Siboney gathered in the streets early in the evening for spontaneous demonstrations. On the Calzada de Güines, the crowd, including children, stood in the roadway and blocked the passage of cars and buses.

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