The reaction of this baby upon hearing "Qué rico me siento" by Oniel Bebeshito melts the internet.

Cuban father in the United States boasts about his seven-month-old baby's rhythm.

The video of a baby's reaction to hearing "Qué rico me siento" by Oniel Bebeshito has almost 10,000 likes.

The sweet moment, which has already been reproduced over 129 thousand times on TikTok, was shared by the father himself (Sergio Suárez Rosale @sergiosr94), a Cuban who, according to his profile description, lives in Kentucky.

The little protagonist of the charming moment, who had just turned seven months old when the video was shared, can't help but move when the rhythmic song of Bebeshito plays.

The video of the baby dancing has generated a shower of comments full of affection and pride, with many referring to the child's Cuban roots: "Cuban with dance in her blood, you are born with it, not made"; "100% Cuban blood, what beauty"; "Get ready, dad, that’s pure Cuban blood"; "She’s Cuban, there’s no magic. She’s beautiful"; "Tell me you’re Cuban without saying you’re Cuban," some said.

There were also expressions of astonishment and tenderness: "How cute, that's how the pregnant mother must have danced"; "My God, even the babies have rhythm in their blood"; "Oh, what a little sweetheart, God bless her"; "What a beautiful thing, you are born with that grace"; "She learned to dance before she learned to walk"; "How beautiful, she already comes with her movement circulating through her body," added others.

Sergio Suárez Rosale himself has joined the exchange with responses full of humor, gratitude for the messages, and pride for his little one.

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