Latino lists products he would never buy in a supermarket in the United States: "This sends me to the bathroom."

"These are the things I would never buy in a supermarket in the United States."

A Latino in the United States shared on TikTok the products he would not buy again in a supermarket, based on his experience with those foods. The first item on Roberto Alfonzo's (@robertoalfonzov) list is gallons of milk.

"These gallon milks are the worst thing you can buy, it's too processed milk that sits badly on the stomach," comments the young man, originally from Venezuela, in the video titled: "Foods I Would Never Buy in U.S. Supermarkets."

After the gallons of milk, he showed some sugary energy drinks. "These drinks are poison in a can. This is not a beverage, it's sugar. This sends me to the bathroom," he said.

Additionally, he makes a comment about white eggs, which he refers to as "hormones in circles," arguing that when he bought them upon arriving in the United States, they caused him acne.

Finally, the TikToker talks about some candies he calls "the stomach destroyer," claiming that after trying it once, he suffered severe stomach pain that lasted all night. The video has sparked numerous reactions, with some users supporting his statements and others defending some of the products.

This type of video criticizing the quality of processed foods in the United States is not new, but it continues to fuel the debate about the differences in food product quality between countries.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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