Cuban grandmother breaks down in tears upon receiving a fan from her granddaughter.

"May grandmothers be eternal"

A grandmother in Cuba could not hold back her tears upon receiving a fan, a gift from her granddaughter who lives in Houston.

The moment, recorded by a person in Cuba, was shared on TikTok by the granddaughter herself.

The scene begins when the person filming asks the grandmother, "What did you need?" With the utmost sincerity, the elderly woman replies, "The fan." When the voice behind the camera shows her the fan and reveals that it is a gift from her granddaughter, the grandmother's reaction is instantaneous: "That one? No way? Oh my goodness, oh my little girl!" The lady reacts with excitement and surprise.

While sharing the emotional moment, @Jehydismoreno wrote: "I am a millionaire knowing that within my means I give them all I can, may you last a thousand years, may grandmothers be eternal."

In a later video, he shared that his grandmother lives alone and that both she and his mother are the ones who take care of her. "She is my grandmother on my father's side and lives alone; my mom and I are the ones who take care of her. I just ask God to give her lots of health, and I take care of the rest," he affectionately commented.

In the comments on the post about the surprise, it was revealed that the grandmother had been without a fan for several days because the previous one had broken: “Thank God in the Matanzas area where we live, the power outages don't affect much. She really needed it; she had been suffering from the heat for a week.”

The video, which has already garnered over 70,000 views, has triggered hundreds of comments filled with emotions and memories: "I cried with your video, I would give anything I don't have to have mine, unfortunately life took her from me"; "Wow, and there are still those who say we shouldn't help those over there, you have to have a really hard heart not to enjoy being able to help them," some reacted.

Expressions of solidarity and empathy were repeated in many comments: "I did the same but the fan didn't arrive on time"; "I got teary-eyed seeing her so emotional"; "I wish I could have my grandmother alive to shower her with gifts," others added.

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren was a central theme among the comments, and many reflected on how important it is to be able to care for the elderly: “That’s how my grandmother gets every time I send her something; they always appreciate even the smallest things”; “That’s the best we have; grandparents should be eternal”; “Grandparents gave us life; they deserve no less,” they agreed in their opinions.

Despite the distance and difficulties, the granddaughter's love for her grandmother was clear in this video, and many users highlighted how valuable it is to be able to help family from abroad: "What a joy for her, she looks like a girl with a new toy because of a fan"; "Family is the best in the world, there is no greater pride than being able to help those we love," reads among the nearly 600 messages this scene has sparked, sweet for witnessing the granddaughter's love but sad for being yet another evidence of the harsh separation that so many Cuban families suffer.

The gesture has not only touched hearts, but it has also opened a space for reflection on the difficulties faced by the elderly in Cuba.

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