They seek help for a family that protects animals and lost everything during a fire in Guantánamo.

Yoel and Baby, a couple of animal rights activists from the province of Guantánamo, lost much of their home and belongings in a fire. Activists are promoting initiatives to help them.

A devastating fire destroyed part of the home of Yoel and Baby on Monday, a very humble couple who have dedicated the last four years to supporting the "Bienestar Animal Guantánamo" Project, focused on helping stray animals in this eastern province of Cuba.

The broadcaster Roberto Carlos Frómeta reported on Facebook that the unfortunate accident caused the family to lose everything in their small kitchen and dining room, leaving this part of their home exposed, which they are now trying to repair with fiber boards.

Facebook capture / Roberto Carlos Frómeta

Frómeta highlighted that these people, for their work in favor of the animal rights community, deserve some help, "with 'very little' and through their actions, they are building a society with values and principles."

The announcer emphasized that donations, no matter how small, will be welcome to help them rebuild what was lost.

She indicated that anything can be donated, from kitchen utensils to furniture, as the family needs all kinds of support.

He also explained that those who wish to contribute can do so through account 9205 1299 7069 6275 and confirm at 55141862.

Material donations are also accepted at the address Los Maceo, between Donato Mármol and Varona, asking for Yamirka Martín Matos, who will handle the assistance requests.

Another fire occurred on Monday when a garage of a house in the central area of the city of Matanzas was engulfed in flames, with no human losses to regret.

The incident occurred inside a garage on Calzada General Betancourt, in the Playa Popular Council, in the capital of Matanzas, reported the state newspaper Girón.

A fire caused by the explosion of an electric motorcycle occurred on Friday afternoon in the Lawton neighborhood of Havana, leaving the workshop and part of a house completely destroyed.

Facebook Capture/Alejandro Chassagne

The incident occurred at approximately 6:35 p.m. in a private workshop located on 18th Street between Dolores and Concepción, Vista Alegre Community.

Due to the incident, three electric motorcycles were burned, in addition to the material damages to the workshop and the home, said user Alejandro Chassagne in the Facebook group "Accidentes Automovilísticos en cuba."

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