They are asking for help for a Cuban mother with her child on the streets of Tampa.

Sorania Telena and her 12-year-old son are surviving on the streets of Tampa after the woman lost her job and could not pay the rent of the house where they lived. The TikToker Roger Roger called on the Cuban community in that city to help them.

A Cuban mother who survives with her son on the streets of the city of Tampa, without a home or job, has asked for help to find a job that would allow her to escape the precarious situation they have been in since May.

The Cuban TikToker Roger Roger (rogerito81), who helps compatriots living in Tampa, Florida, and who have nowhere to live, publicly shared the case of Sorania Telena and her 12-year-old son this Wednesday. They are asking for help on the streets to be able to pay for their food and a hotel where they can sleep each night.

The influencer made a call to the Cuban community in that city to cooperate with this mother and her son, who are abandoned.

Telena is originally from Santiago de Cuba, she arrived in the United States 18 years ago and has residency in that country. The influencer found her in the area of Hillsborough and Habana avenues, where she was selling sweaters to raise money to be able to stay in a hotel.

When asked why she was in that situation, the mother began to describe the ordeal she is going through with her son: “My rent was raised to a thousand pesos (dollars). I lost my job. I have been on the street with my child since May… I am paying for hotels, I am buying food. I have gone to several places asking the government for help with the rent.”

"And have you applied for the assistance, the help provided by the government?" Roger asked. To which the woman replied that the only help she receives is food stamps because "they even took away my Medicaid."

Telena added that they also do not have a social worker to assist her. “I went to the Metropolitan office, and there I am on a list for a shelter,” she said. “I still don’t have anything resolved… I don’t have anywhere to live right now.”

"I sleep in a hotel. Here I come (...) As you can see, I am selling my sweater. Here they help me and from here I go out to a hotel, I pay for the night, 75 pesos (dollars), and from there I also have to get money to buy food," he confessed.

Saddened, Telena revealed the reasons why her son has not been able to start school: “We are so unstable. One night in a hotel, another night in a different hotel… There are friends who have helped me one night in their home, but unfortunately, I can't find work (...) And this is how we are living until we see what happens.”

The mother told the influencer that she has exposed her situation to the Office of Children and Families. "The only thing they give me is the phone number, 2-1-1, and at 2-1-1, they give you another list of phone numbers and so on...". She added that she has also called a congresswoman who is in Armenia, but "they don't have funds to help us at this moment".

Roger assured her that he would do everything possible to support her and urged the Cuban community to cooperate with this family.

"I call on our Cuban community here in Tampa, which is a very generous and kind community, a strong and supportive community, with some cases that I have exposed here on social media, and they immediately show their solidarity in helping people (...) If you can come by and buy these pullovers that are for sale to support her, and if you can help her in any way, she would greatly appreciate it," he expressed.

The TikToker emphasized that the woman is not asking for money, but rather to find a job. "She is tired of standing on a corner asking for money; she doesn't want money, what she wants is a job. Please, I'm asking this too, I beg you," he stated. "Cuban entrepreneur here in Tampa watching this video; my beautiful community, my Cuban community here in Tampa watching this video, please show solidarity with this case and help us find this lady a job, provide her with work so she can feed her child and so that her child can go to school."

In a heart-wrenching message to her compatriots in Tampa, the Cuban mother pleaded: “I want to ask the Cuban community to help me, to help me, please, help me find a job. It’s what I need (…) to be able to pay rent for myself, for my son. (…) I need help from you.”

"I wouldn't want to be on a corner asking for help every day," she confessed tearfully. "I have received help. There are many people out there who have helped me, but I need a job to be able to support my son. Today I sleep in a hotel, tomorrow I don't know. Every day I go there to seek help in order to have a roof for my child. Please, help me, I ask this from the bottom of my heart."

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