Crime shows no mercy in Guantánamo's fields: "The police do nothing."

The constant slaughter of horses is a problem that seems to have no solution despite the repeated complaints from those affected.

Policía en Cuba (Imagen de referencia) © Facebook/Jonatan López
Police in Cuba (Reference image)Photo © Facebook/Jonatan López

A Cuban resident of Baracoa, Guantánamo, publicly denounced this Tuesday the alarming increase in crime in that rural area, stating that the National Police are not taking effective actions to stop it.

According to the post by Senia Rodríguez Reyes on the social network Facebook, her main concern is the constant slaughter of horses, a problem that seems to have no solution despite the repeated complaints from those affected.

Facebook Post/Senia Rodríguez Reyes

According to his account, three days ago his family was victim to this situation when their horse was stolen and later found as a skeleton in a nearby river.

Despite having filed the complaint, the authorities did not act immediately, and only arrived at the scene two days after the incident when the trail of the criminals was already difficult to follow.

"The police do nothing, and the thieves are from right here, not from China or Japan," the Cuban expressed indignantly, suggesting that if the officers conducted a proper investigation, the culprits could be found.

Just in Guantánamo, a thief was caught in the act by the security camera of a private home, while in that same territory a young man offered a reward of 40,000 pesos on social media for anyone who finds and returns his lost mare in the province of Guantánamo.

A few days ago, it was reported that farmers from the Las Casimbas popular council, in the municipality of Calixto García, Holguín, decided to take matters into their own hands and patrol the area to curb a rising wave of thefts, mainly of livestock.

In response to insecurity, a comprehensive popular surveillance exercise was carried out, involving the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), whose forces have been unable to resolve the situation.

In the month of May, Las Tunas was the Cuban territory with the highest incidence of cattle (cows and horses) theft and slaughter. Only in the first four months of this year, 1,954 crimes related to the theft and slaughter of 3,480 heads of cattle and horses have been recorded. The infractions have been detected in 341 units of the agricultural sector in the province, according to information from Perió

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