Mother of three children is missing in Havana.

Rachel Sánchez Escaleira, mother of three children and a resident of Marianao, has been missing for three days, and her family is seeking information that could help locate her.

Rachel Sánchez Escaleira © Facebook/Anisley Cerviño Cueto
Rachel Sánchez EscaleiraPhoto © Facebook/Anisley Cerviño Cueto

The Cuban Rachel Sánchez Escaleira, mother of three children, has been missing for three days, according to alerts from people close to her.

Sánchez lives in the buildings on 51 between 80 and 82, in Marianao, and her family is looking for her, Anisley Cerviño Cueto reported in a Facebook post.

Facebook capture/Anisley Cerviño Cueto

Relatives of children who study with Sánchez's children have echoed the alert. "This girl is the mother of a classmate where my nephew studies, she has been missing for three days and her family is desperate," said one of them, identified as Duamy FG, who shared the phone number (52816243) of the young woman's parents.

The publications have not provided a physical description of Sánchez, her age, or any visible marks that would help recognize her. They also have not mentioned the place, date, and time she was last seen, nor the clothing she was wearing at that time.

Facebook screenshotDuamy FG

Since the previous week, several alerts for missing persons in Cuba have remained active.

The father of the teenager Noemí Victoria Blanco Acosta, 15 years old and a resident of the municipality of Cárdenas in Matanzas, desperately requested assistance to find his daughter, who has been missing from home since September 12.

They also requested help to locate Yankier Correa, a young man with moderate intellectual disability who had been missing since Tuesday in Havana.

Likewise, people close to elderly individuals who are missing reported their disappearance in recent days in the capital.

Reports of missing persons in Cuba have become very frequent in recent months, as well as the publication of requests for help on social media to obtain information that allows for their location, amid a context of growing insecurity in the country due to the rise in crime.

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