Cuban arrested for stealing electricity in Italy

The Cuban citizen, identified by the initials B.B.J.L., 29 years old, was reported for aggravated robbery.

Patrulla de la Policía Local (foto de referencia) © Polizia Locale Italiana
Local Police Patrol (reference photo)Photo © Italian Local Police

The Local Police of Trieste arrested a Cuban citizen and filed a complaint against him for electricity theft in that city in northeastern Italy.

The man, identified only by the initials B.B.J.L., 29 years old, contacted the Environmental Police Unit at the end of August, asking for help because he could no longer take care of the two dogs belonging to the neighbor of the adjoining apartment, who had been absent for some time, authorities stated in a statement.

Facebook Capture/Agent Gianna

The agents went to the home with B.B.J.L. to check on the condition of the dogs, of the AmStaff breed, and immediately notified the public veterinary service and the canine police to transfer them to the municipal kennel.

But during the inspection, the officers observed suspicious connections on the electricity meter. According to the authorities, the lights and other equipment were on, even though the main switch lever was down.

The supply of water and electricity to the Cuban's home had been cut off for some time, the note specified.

Facebook capture/Italian Local Police

The police called a technician to check the meters of both apartments, and he confirmed the tampering of the meter and that the shut-off valve had probably been forced.

The technician testified to the danger, as the cables made with an inappropriate material could have easily melted and caused a fire.

B.B.J.L. was taken to the Local Police station, where the complaint for aggravated theft was formalized, a crime covered by articles 624 and 625, section 7 bis, of the Italian Penal Code.

The manipulation of the meter in a home to steal electricity and prevent it from recording actual consumption is a very common practice in Cuba, where blackouts are constant and prolonged.

Recently, there have been reports of the detention of Cubans in various cities in Italy, accused of multiple crimes.

At the beginning of this month, after an impressive chase through the streets of the coastal town of Ostia, in Rome, the police arrested a Cuban and found in his possession tools for theft and a backpack with stolen valuables, among them several watches still with their tags on.

In June, the Italian carabinieri arrested Edgar Molina, 22, after discovering a clandestine laboratory in the basement of his house in Rome, where he had manufactured an arsenal of weapons and ammunition.

The Monza and Brianza provincial prosecutor's office requested five years in prison for Lindys Pérez Felip, 40, who was arrested in January for drugging and robbing several men with whom she had arranged meetings through online dating sites.

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