Cuban singer Ovi is arrested in Miami after being accused of pointing a gun at a young man while driving.

The Cuban singer Ovidio Crespo is under arrest facing multiple charges.

Cuban singer Ovidio Crespo, better known as Ovi, was arrested on Tuesday, September 17, in Miami, facing several charges including possession of illicit substances, improper exhibition of a firearm, and armed assault. This is stated in the singer's police record, which indicates that a bond of $8,000 was set for these crimes.

The detention of the young Cuban comes after the Venezuelan model Giussepe Benignini reported him for pointing a gun at him while driving in Miami. "He pulled out a pistol and threatened me here in Miami," said the young man, showing the video of what happened.

Ficha de Ovi
Capture of

"I'm driving and I see a car, a McLaren, cut me off. I honk my horn because it almost hit me, and when I honk, the driver stops and pulls out a gun. [...] I thought he was going to shoot me," the young man recounted.

"How can these people who call themselves artists commit an offense and then threaten you and pull out a gun? What would have happened if he had shot me? I don't understand, people who claim to be artists. I don't know how there are people who support these artists. I am going to file a report. I know it's him because he has the same car on his Instagram," added this young man, who shared what happened on his social media to publicly denounce Ovi for threatening him with a weapon.

This incident adds to the ones that the Cuban singer has been involved in over the past few years. Ovi has been arrested several times in the United States, including for an altercation with another singer in 2021 where he also displayed a weapon in public.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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