Unbaked bread trays are transported through the streets of Santiago de Cuba.

The trays of bread dough were transferred from one bakery and taken to another nearby for baking due to a power outage.

Trasladan pan crudo por las calles de Santiago de Cuba © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Raw bread is transported through the streets of Santiago de Cuba.Photo © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

In Santiago de Cuba, a scene was captured that, although unusual, is real and reflects the crisis that the people are suffering as well as the absurd solutions offered by the regime: a cart loaded with almost twenty trays of bread dough was taken from a bakery and brought to a nearby one for baking due to the lack of electricity.

Journalist Yosmany Mayeta shared on Facebook a complaint explaining that the photos shared were taken at the bakery Tres Doncellas, which, due to a lack of electricity, moved the bread to another establishment on Aguilera Street for baking.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta

Additionally, it was reported that the unfortunate scene was captured on Tercera Street between Enramadas and Aguilera.

The independent journalist said sarcastically: "If you are a consumer of this bakery, don't be surprised if the bread that arrived at your table this morning was this one."

However, it also warned about the consequences of these improvised solutions: "The raw mass traveled through several streets, exposed to environmental contamination."

In light of the increase in blackouts, which was announced this Wednesday by the Electric Company of Santiago de Cuba, it is not surprising that images like these can be seen in the eastern city.

However, the solutions will take time to arrive, as announced by the Minister of Energy and Mines of Cuba, Vicente de la O Levy, who stated that the fuel that could alleviate the crisis "is at Cuban ports," but not being unloaded.

The official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso shared on Facebook the statements made by the head of the branch, ironically during the inauguration of the Third International Fair of Renewable Energies.

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