MEP demands sanctions for the critical situation in Cuba and calls for the release of José Daniel Ferrer.

Sanctions against Cuba are demanded for having more than a thousand political prisoners, including José Daniel Ferrer.

Spanish MEP Francisco Millán Mon called on the European Union (EU) to take concrete actions and sanction those responsible for human rights violations in Cuba.

"The situation in Cuba has not improved. There are major shortages of food, medicine, electricity, water, and human rights continue to be disrespected," stated Millán Mon this Wednesday before the European Parliament.

In his presentation, the MEP reiterated the need for the EU to act firmly against the repression exercised by the Cuban government, particularly in the case of the detention of the political prisoner José Daniel Ferrer.

"Six months ago, this Parliament approved a resolution concerning the worrying increase in the number of political prisoners in Cuba. A particularly symbolic case is that of José Daniel Ferrer, a human rights defender and opposition leader. (...) He remains in prison under deplorable conditions, and there are serious concerns regarding his health," said Millán.

The release of José Daniel Ferrer has been demanded by numerous international organizations and human rights activists.

Ferrer, coordinator of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), has been imprisoned multiple times and has been in prison since July 11, 2021, when he was trying to join the massive protests on the island.

Her situation has become a symbol of the repression suffered by those who oppose the regime. Various European sectors urge the EU not to remain indifferent and to sanction the authorities responsible for these arbitrary detentions and the inhumane conditions in Cuban prisons.

"It is urgent to impose sanctions against those responsible for human rights violations on the island and to consider the suspension of political dialogue and cooperation with Cuba," emphasized Millán.

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