Two prisoners die from medical negligence in Cuban prisons during August.

Prisons are riddled with dengue, tuberculosis, and other serious diseases.

Cárcel en Cuba © CiberCuba
Prison in CubaPhoto © CiberCuba

At least two inmates died in the island's prisons in August due to medical negligence and inadequate healthcare, according to a report from the Center for Documentation of Cuban Prisons.

This organization documented 103 incidents related to human rights violations, of which 63 were linked to the lack of medical assistance and food insufficiency, cited Martí Noticias.

Raúl Enrique Medina, the press officer of the center, highlighted that the health conditions of the inmates have worsened, among other things due to collective illnesses such as dengue, tuberculosis, and chickenpox.

In the eighth month of the year, Luis Franklin Ruiz passed away in Kilo 7 prison in Camagüey, and Mario Benítez died in Prison 1580 in Havana due to inadequate medical care.

The report also highlights the critical food situation in prisons, where the rations are insufficient and of poor quality. Medina pointed out that thefts of food brought by family members are common and that food is often served in poor condition.

In addition, the report mentions the threats and reprisals faced by inmates who report abuses by prison staff. The documented human rights violations encompass more than 30 penitentiary facilities in 13 provinces and the Isle of Youth, indicating that these issues are widespread in the Cuban prison system.

Medina concluded that the reports reflect only a part of the serious situation, and that the reality in Cuban prisons is much more alarming, violating the UN's Nelson Mandela Rules on the treatment of detainees.

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