Political prisoner Luis Robles is released on leave.

In May, the Cuban regime denied parole to Robles.

Luis Robles © Yindra Elizástigui
Luis RoblesPhoto © Yindra Elizástigui

Yindra Elizástigui, mother of the Cuban political prisoner Luis Robles, confirmed that the young man is on leave from prison.

In a Facebook post, the woman said that in the midst of so much sadness, at least her son was home.

Robles, 31 years old, is serving a five-year prison sentence for his peaceful protest on December 4, 2020, when he demanded an end to the repression in Cuba and the release of the dissident rapper Denis Solís.

Publication on Facebook

Since then, he received his first pass, lasting only three days, in February 2024.

On December 31, Robles was transferred to a work correctional facility, a regime that allows him to enjoy these home visitation passes.

Previously, he had been in the so-called "Ground Zero" of the Combinado del Este, until he was transferred to a correctional camp known as "El 18" of Prison 1580, a place described by his mother as "more welcoming."

The regime had not responded to a request for parole submitted by the young man's lawyers at the beginning of the year; and last May, it finally denied this benefit to the prisoner of conscience.

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