The number of political prisoners in Cuba decreases: suicide, forced expatriation, and 13 sentences completed.

Prisoners Defenders reported that two new prisoners were registered for a total of 1,105 in the updated report corresponding to the month of August.

Represión a manifestantes del 11J (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Repression of the 11J protesters (reference image)Photo © CiberCuba

The organization Prisoners Defenders (PD) reported a reduction in the number of political prisoners in Cuba, following the news of a prisoner's death by suicide, the forced expatriation of another, and the complete serving of sentences by 13 individuals.

The data provided on social network X also reveals two new political prisoners, bringing the total to 1,105 registered in the updated report for the month of August.

He also stated that 62 of those inmates have clinically diagnosed mental health disorders; 329 suffer from serious pathologies that put their lives at risk; and 117 women are incarcerated, all of whom are victims of discriminatory and abusive treatment.

These women are subjected to discriminatory and abusive treatment, which includes physical violence, psychological abuse, and medical neglect, affecting their physical and emotional integrity, the organization indicates on its website.

PD also revealed that lack of food, absence of medical care, and denial of medication are three factors of habitual torture for political prisoners and prisoners of conscience on the island.

During the protests of March 17 and 18, the Cuban regime arrested 32 protesters, of which 13 were detained in the province of Holguín. Such events reflect the alarming situation of human rights in Cuba.

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