Amaury Pérez postpones album release due to difficult situation in Cuba.

The musician warned that he made the decision after a meeting in a venue that was also experiencing a blackout.

Amaury Pérez © Facebook/La página de Amaury Pérez
Amaury PérezPhoto © Facebook/The page of Amaury Pérez

The musician Amaury Pérez Vidal, an ally of the Cuban regime and a close friend of ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel, issued a brief statement on his social media, explaining why he is postponing a record release.

According to Amaury, they had "planned" the presentation of three albums he recorded with the Museum of Music for next Thursday, September 26.

However, after "a meeting with everyone involved in the organization of the event (in the midst of a frustrating blackout) we decided to postpone the presentation indefinitely," the host of programs also revealed.

Facebook capture/The page of Amaury Pérez

The justification for the postponement is that it "seemed at least imprudent, amid the difficult situation the nation is going through, to celebrate something as insignificant as the release of some phonograms."

The singer-songwriter announced that they will try again at another time, "when the situation in the country improves." On the other hand, he described his decision as a "matter of civility and common sense."

The post made on Facebook, on the profile "La Página de Amaury Pérez," shows diverse opinions, including those who support the idea and others who are less hopeful about the improvement of the situation on the island, making it difficult for them to believe that this presentation can be held "at some other time," as the protagonist suggests.

"Good day to you. Is there any hope that the situation in the country will improve? It doesn't seem so to me," commented an internet user.

"Dear Amaury, I am not a pessimist, but eternally a realist. The situation in Cuba has no hope and this, as you know, is in God's hands. To postpone your art for what we might call common sense, I admire and respect your decision, but this people is in great need of art and above all the love of God, because the blackouts will not stop, much less disappear," wrote another user.

"I don't think you should do that, as music transports and clears our minds, but well, decisions are made and there's a reason for everything. What uncertainty!" another user suggested.

Cuba is going through a time when the lack of fuel and electricity generation, combined with food shortages and the deterioration of services, keeps the people in the worst crisis of their history.

Despite this, their leaders insist that they are seeking solutions to improve the quality of life for citizens, based on the supposed "unity" of the people.

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