Cuban surprises with what she pays for gasoline by revealing her expenses living in Florida.

Cubana breaks down her monthly expenses living in Florida: "I don't know where we are going to end up."

A woman from Florida went viral on TikTok after sharing a detailed breakdown of her monthly expenses, including a figure that has surprised many: the cost of gasoline she pays. In her video, user @maryaragon805 (also identified as @leidyoficial) reveals what she pays in rent, car payments, food, and other expenses, totaling $3,800, with $500 just for gasoline.

"Look at this, in terms of rent, I recently moved. I was in a one-bedroom apartment and we were paying 1650 dollars, and I moved to a two-bedroom for 1485. Bigger and less money. I gained space and that difference in money," he explains, recounting how he managed to reduce his rental cost.

In the video, he also mentions other aspects of his daily life that have changed significantly, such as the cost of food: "When I arrived two years ago, with 100 pesos you could buy anything. Now you can't buy anything," he comments.

"I don't know where we're going to end up. Not to mention that one has to buy toiletries, detergent, and more things that are not included there," she concludes worriedly.

Given the prices that are paid monthly, many agree on the high costs of basic things like rent or food. However, many have not overlooked what they pay for gasoline.

"But how 500 in gas? I spend 120 and I drive an expedition v8, which are very gas-consuming." "500 in gas? Do you drive a v8 or a plane?" "500 in gas? What cars do you have?" "But do you work driving for Uber? Because that's too much gas." "You're inflating with the gas" or "500 in gas, that's a tank or a plane," reacted some users.

In response to all these comments, the Cuban woman replied in another video explaining that she has a cleaning business. "I don't operate any plane, I simply run a cleaning business. We work moving from one house to another, not to mention that I have to take my son to school, I have to pick him up. There are months when I spend even more," she asserts.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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