Family and friends bid farewell with sorrow to the young Cuban who died from a lightning strike on a beach in Florida.

During the funeral, a message from the grandmother was read. "In life, you had everything you set out to achieve, and in this difficult moment, you were given everything you needed."

Family and friends said their final goodbye to Adrián García, a 25-year-old Cuban man who died after being struck by lightning on a beach in Naples, Florida.

At the funeral, some words from his grandmother, Lázara Rojas, were read, who recalled that Adrián was her first grandchild and that she never stopped loving him.

"Today, God and life are presenting me with the greatest test in this world, having to distance myself from your body and your being, but never, ever from this immense love," the message expressed.

The lady expressed her gratitude to all the people who tried to save him: those who were on the beach and helped him after the accident, the doctors who attended to him in the hospital, and everyone who prayed for his recovery.

"To this great country for welcoming us and giving us the opportunity that in life you had everything you set out to achieve, and in this difficult moment you were taken care of with everything you needed," the text added.

Adrián had only been in the United States for two years. As Lázara told Telemundo days ago, he arrived in the country by crossing borders and immediately found two jobs to get ahead.

"In two years, he obtained his residency, bought his car, got a good job, and wanted to move forward and study English," he detailed.

The victim's mother, in statements to journalist Javier Díaz from Univisión, thanked those who provided financial assistance to the family.

"I thank all the people who, thanks to them, in one way or another, I was able to watch over my son, and I can bury him and I will be able to see him every day I want to where he is. To all the people who donated for him, those who prayed for him, I am infinitely grateful for everything they did for my son, and I will never forget this," she expressed through tears.

Adrián passed away last Saturday, September 14, in the hospital where he was admitted. The doctors kept him connected to a machine for artificial respiration but he did not recover, as the electric shock caused him severe brain damage.

The tragic incident occurred on Saturday, August 31. After a brief rain, the Cuban family entered the sea, confident that there were no thunderstorms and the sun was coming out.

They were all very close together in the water when suddenly the lightning struck them. The bolt hit three people, but only the boy suffered serious injuries. The other two recovered quickly.

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