Lenier Mesa to the influencers in Miami: You can't tell people in Cuba to take to the streets when they don't have anything to eat.

In an interview with Tekashi 6ix9ine for the YouTube show "Farándula 305," the criticisms that the Cuban singer and songwriter has received for his views on the island came to light.

Lenier Mesa made his stance clear again regarding the Cuban exile and the influencers from Miami who incite the people to take to the streets to protest against the dictatorship in Cuba.

In an interview with Tekashi 6ix9ine for the YouTube show “Farándula 305,” the criticisms received by the Cuban singer and songwriter regarding his views on the island and his trip to Cuba with Tekashi came to light.

"When I arrived 16 years ago, none of the influencers who are working on the platforms today existed. The exile consisted of respected individuals like Willy Chirino, like artists I respect (...) The exile was made up of older people who were respectful, not any of the influencers speaking here. Exile has become a lack of respect, disrespecting anyone, it has turned into a business," said Lenier.

"I am neither in favor of Cuba nor in favor of here, nor in favor of anything, I am in favor of the truth. I am a human being and Cuba is going through some bad times right now, but the influencers here are making many mistakes because they are telling people to take to the streets in Cuba when there are people there who are imprisoning their children, their family. I understand that there has to be a change in Cuba now, but you can't be telling people to take to the streets when people have nothing to eat," the artist emphasized.

"You are sitting behind a microphone in a chair here, but those people are taking hits out there and are going through problems," Lenier reminded those influencers who also launched their criticisms against him and defended the artists who have been in the same situation.

On more than one occasion, Lenier Mesa has been the target of criticism from the Cuban exile community in Miami and from many artists who have labeled him as not having a firm stance against the regime in Cuba.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment