Third victim dies from traffic accident in Hialeah in which two Cuban women died.

Liliana Hernández Molina, 66 years old, had been hospitalized for five months since the accident in which her sister and niece died, caused by a 14-year-old boy.

Liliana Hernández Molina, Yarina García Hernández y Gloria Esther Hernández © GoFundMe
Liliana Hernández Molina, Yarina García Hernández, and Gloria Esther HernándezPhoto © GoFundMe

The third victim of a traffic accident that occurred in Hialeah in April passed away on Tuesday at the hospital where she had been admitted since then.

Liliana Hernández Molina, 66 years old, was the only woman who survived the terrible event in which her daughter Yarina García Hernández, 39 years old, and her sister Gloria Esther Hernández, 71 years old, lost their lives.

Bob García, who was married for 43 years to Liliana, recounted how the last days in the hospital were for his wife and mother of his daughter.

"Suffering will be forever, but the one we have now is too great. I don't know how I am talking to you," he confessed to Telemundo 51.

"She was fine, breathing, and when I asked her something, she would respond with her gaze, because that was our way of communicating. She couldn't speak due to a tracheostomy," he detailed.

Smeider Rodríguez, son of Gloria Esther, added that he was hopeful that his aunt would overcome the serious injuries sustained in the accident.

"After three victims in this accident and having buried two, my mom and my cousin, at least we had the hope that my aunt would survive, even if it was with many limitations," he commented.

The person responsible for the tragic accident that claimed the lives of the three Cuban women is a 14-year-old teenager named Maykoll Santiesteban, who remains in custody after a judge denied him bail.

On April 24, Maykoll took his parents' car without their permission to hang out with friends and collided with the car carrying the three Cuban women, who had gone out to buy food, on block 400 of Southeast 5th Street.

The police investigation concluded that the young man was driving at over 80 miles per hour. He will be tried as an adult due to the severity of the crimes.

"They are three women who deserve justice, and the family, whom we have lost, also deserves it. And our family that is in Cuba also deserves that we, from here, fight for that justice," Osmeider Rodríguez pointed out.

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