The Bay of Havana tunnel is closed again for drainage actions.

The tunnel was closed in the Cabaña-Havana direction.

Túnel de la Bahía de La Habana © Facebook / Dirección General de Transporte Prov. La Habana / Comunicación Dgtph
Havana Bay TunnelPhoto © Facebook / General Directorate of Provincial Transport. Havana / Communication Dgtph

For the umpteenth time, the Cuban authorities have closed the Havana Bay tunnel because it needs repairs.

The Provincial Transport Directorate of Havana reported on its Facebook wall that the tunnel in the Cabaña-Havana direction was closed this Friday due to drainage work.

Facebook capture / General Directorate of Transport Prov. Havana

The shared photo shows the huge amount of water in the viaduct, possibly due to the rains brought by Hurricane Helene.

Photo: Facebook / General Directorate of Transportation Province of Havana

According to the note, the work will be carried out in the coming hours to restore traffic in that area as soon as possible.

The news caused displeasure among numerous internet users.

"What is troubling here is that there was recently maintenance on the tunnels Habana and 5th Avenue, and every time it rains, they fill up with water," one person questioned.

"Those who fixed it a month ago are the ones you should ask what they did," pointed out another.

"Nothing, the drainage system is not working and what they did was throw on a bit of paint, they poorly fixed two or three small holes and that's it, that was the entire repair," detailed a third party.

Just four months ago, the Havana Bay tunnel, through which about 32,000 vehicles pass each day, experienced partial closures again for maintenance work.

The Minister of Transport, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, indicated that the rehabilitation work would extend in the Cabaña-Habana direction for 11 days in the month of May.

On that occasion, the authorities recommended that drivers use "alternative routes for their travel from the East, the Vía Blanca, Ciudad Deportiva, Avenida 26, Avenida del Puerto, and the Port Ring."

The leader had announced in mid-April the completion of the works and the reopening to traffic, but warned that they planned to resume the works at the beginning of May to "carry out the task on the left wing, without stopping vehicle circulation."

In its more than 65 years of existence, the tunnel has undergone maintenance interventions at various times, including a major repair in 2001, carried out by the same French company that built it.

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