Cuban in Miami angry with delivery drivers who throw her packages into the yard despite having a container: "My money is at stake"

Cuban woman upset with delivery people who ignore her instructions and throw packages into the yard.

A Cuban woman in Miami went to her TikTok profile to vent about the delivery drivers who throw the packages into her yard when she has a container specifically for them to deposit the packages there so her dog doesn't eat them.

On her TikTok profile, Mialiaboutique_ (who identifies as @nelita.tiki) appeared visibly upset upon finding several packages she had ordered on the ground.

"The Amazon, TikTok Shop, FedEx delivery people, everyone. Look at this, there’s a container placed in the yard for the packages because there’s a dog in this house that eats the packages. Here’s a little sign that says so for you to see. I put it on all the apps," he says in the video, showing the container and the sign outside the fence asking delivery people from different companies to leave the packages in the container.

The Cuban expressed her frustration, stating that if the situation continues, she will not hesitate to return the damaged packages and demand a refund. "The day the dog eats a package, I'm going to send it back, and you will have to refund my money," she asserted.

Additionally, he lamented that this is not the first time it has happened, stating that he has had to deal with this situation multiple times. "If I'm making this video, it's because this is the five hundredth time this has happened. If we don't arrive, when we do arrive, there is not a single intact package, and it's my money that is at stake," he added.

"I know you are tired, but it's not my fault. I put it in the application, don't throw the packages at me," he concluded, stating that in the delivery instructions he informs about the existence of this container for the orders.

The video ends with a message from her husband, who asked for more consideration towards his wife: "I don't want to see my wife upset anymore, I want her to be happy when she brings her packages."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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